It was worth it! The 3 hour drive to Nashville, wait in the airport, flight with a squirmy 1 year old and 1 1/2 hour drive to Lancaster (and reverse that for the trip home). We got to see family and friends who we love and love us.
Here are Jude and Prisca waiting in the Nashville airport for our flight to Philadelphia.
Here are Jude and Daddy enjoying the flight and hanging out.
Here are Mommy and Prisca in their seat. (Mommy definitely looks more happy and relaxed in the picture than she really was in reality at this point in the flight! ) All in all the kids did really well for their ages in the trip.
This is Dexter...Jude's doggy cousin who he played with and tormented during our visit.
Christmas morning we read the story of Christ being born. We take turns reading pages from the story and Jude would rotate laps, it was so cute!
Needless to say, the kids made out like bandits! Uncle Graham got Prisca a glow worm that she obviously loves.
Jude got a phone that does numbers and letters that he also loves! Also, his Elmo from Aunt Maggie and Uncle Rob is close by!
We celebrated Lauchlin's 36th birthday the next day with long time friends. (I didn't get many good pictures due to the chaos that was occuring with 6 kids running around.)
Nonna and Jude had alot of fun in the snow that was already on the ground when we arrived and then the 1 1/2 inches that we got while we were there. It was great to see him enjoying snow and for us to see and enjoy it as well.
As a typical New Yorker, Lauchlin thought a t-shirt was more than sufficient for the snow!
The second snow man was a much bigger success!
For New Years Eve and Day we progressed down to Maggie and Rob's new house in Pheonixville. They are working hard on their 'fixer upper' and it is looking great. 1 room down and a number to go but it was exciting to see their first home and also see what they are looking at doing.
Jude loved hanging out with his Uncle Rob!
After the kids went down, we were able to hang out and welcome the New Year together.
It was a great trip and I am glad that we made it! So grateful to spend quality time with family and friends. It was neat to introduce Priscila to most of them for the first time. Sad to think that Nonna, Uncle Graham, Aunt Magge and Uncle Rob won't be having hang out time with the kids for a while (or us)! Always wish we could see more people!
Well, hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Much love,
1 comment:
I know as busy parents you can't post much...but we still enjoy it when ya'll CAN post! My daughter points and laughs and coos...HEY, MOMMY, there really ARE other kids in the world besides ME! That seems to be her reaction. We're a 1-child family right now, and hope to have 2, but we've lost 1 little one, so we don't know if we're up for the possibility of even more heartbreak.
Anyway, we love your posts! They are so inspirational! :)
Take care and God bless!
Elizabeth Watts
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