Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jude has a 'tude...

So, last post I thought we were on the mend...not so much. Jude got diagnosed with an ear infection and is on antibiotics. Then the past 2 days Lauchlin and I have had some kind of bug which included throwing up etc. Not fun and we are ready to be over it. The following pictures are to reflect how Jude felt about his mommy being sick and trying to lay on the couch when he wanted to play...

You are sick and going to do what today momma?

Ha ha ha ha ha...guess I'll have to cry all day then.

Seriously, it is pretty challenging being sick and trying to care for a little one. It did seem like he knew I was sick and kicked it up!

Priscila seems to be thriving in spite of the rest of the family being sick. Here is a mediocre picture of her growing....

On another note, we unfortunately have to find another home for our kitties. If you know of anyone looking for 2 cats that are brothers and very friendly, please let us know. Here they are...

They are dear cats but with another baby on the way, we literally do not have any room for them.
Hope your week is going well....
Ta ta for now,
Mackenzi :)

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